Purse Seine Vessel Owners’ Association

Purse Seine Vessel Owners’ Association, PSVOA- was established in 1936 to promote the Puget Sound purse seine fleet. Today, PSVOA represents membership interests throughout Alaska and along the West Coast. Although salmon is the dominant fishery, many PSVOA members have diversified into multiple fisheries including: squid, crab, sardines, cod, and the quota longline fisheries.

Purse Seine Vessel Owners’ Association members operate in a variety of state and federal managed fisheries. Although salmon is the dominant fishery, many PSVOA members have diversified into multiple fisheries including: squid, crab, sardines, cod, and the quota longline fisheries. They seek to promote various policies to support the economic interests of membership, with an emphasis on the salmon seine fleets.

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Purse Seine Vessel Owners’ Association

To address the broad range of membership interests, PSVOA staff and outside contractors maintain an ongoing presence before Congress, state legislatures, and state and federal agencies. Such a presence allows PSVOA to monitor and influence legislation and regulatory actions affecting the fishing industry.