9-2-2014 12-54-40 PM

Galati Yacht Sales began in 1970 as a dream and not much else. Michael Galati Sr. moved to Anna Maria Island in Florida with his wife and their five young children to support.

He purchased a tornado-devastated marina on Tampa Bay, with the dream of creating a service and boat dealership. “We’ll work hard and we’ll make it,” Michael would tell his wife, Anna Maria. When Michael Galati Sr. passed away in l992, the company ownership passed to his children. The Galati siblings were thoroughly prepared to take on a new level of responsibility as they had been trained in all aspects of the business from the time they were children.

They have grown it into one of the largest privately held yacht dealerships in the world.

9-2-2014 12-54-14 PMwww.galatimarine.com