Seattle Easter Boat Parade, South Lake Union to Ballard Locks, Ends at Fishermen’s Terminal, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing PNW
Seattle Easter Boat Parade was on Saturday, April 3, 2021. This was our 2nd Annual ‘Easter Boat Float Parade.’ Boats were tricked out and decorated in colorful Easter Themes; there was a lot of hot pink, purple, blue, yellow and mint green blow-up bunnies, tiny bird, easter eggs, a green festive dinosaur, balloons, creative decorations and more. Of course there were some humans in bunny costumes on the bow; Seattle boaters get into it!
Per usual, the Seattle Easter Boat Parade welcomes all vessels; powerboats, yachts, sailboats, (Although, no sailboats in 2021, maybe the bridge lifts turned them off?!?!) sport fishers, commercial fishing boats, charter boats, workboats, tugs, superyachts and PNW research vessels. We always encourage skiffs, tenders, dinghies, kayaks, rowboats, and paddle boarders; please bring up the rear of the parade at the tail end. https://seattleeasterboatparade.com/

Seattle Easter Parade, Fremont Cut, Sunny Day, Easter Boat Parade, South Lake Union to Ballard Locks, Ends at Fishermen’s Terminal, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing Pacific Northwest, Worlds Best Boating Capital!
Seattle Easter Boat Parade – Boat Float WINNERS!
Parade Judge’s 3 Categories:
2021 Seattle Easter Boat Parade Route: https://seattleeasterboatparade.com/parade-route/
Start – In Front of: “White Swam Public House” next to “Dukes Seafood” on South Lake Union
U Turn – At Pacific Fishermen Shipyard and Ballard Oil Co – Just before the Ballard Bridge
End – At Fishermen’s Terminal, NW Dock, West Side of the Ballard Bridge
Seattle Christmas Boat Parade and Seattle Easter Boat Parade are in the same Boat Parade Family: Presented By, Salty Dog Family of Companies. www.SeattleChristmasBoatParade.com In December 2020 the Christmas Boat Parade was another amazing PNW success. We supported ‘Seattle Children’s Hospital’ and had an amazing Toy Drive, ‘Santa doesn’t let a pandemic stop him.’ For the Seattle Easter Boat Parade, we are encouraged boaters to join our ‘Passport Challenge’ Supporting Fishermen’s Terminal Local Business. Encouraging, strength, unity, community and local business support in the Pacific Northwest.

Seattle Easter Boat Parade, Bow Bunny, Passing By Ballard Locks at U Turn by Pac Fish, Bunny on the Bow, Ends at Fishermen’s Terminal, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing PNW
Anyone can join the Fishermen’s Terminal Passport Challenge, it’s not just for those in the Seattle Easter Boat Parade – the Challenge goes until: July 15, 2021. The Passport Challenge is to encourage PNW local support to 8 of the small businesses at Fishermen’s Terminal. Anyone in the PNW may pick up their “Passport Challenge Brochure’ at ‘Fishermen’s Green Market Deli located at the Terminal between Chinook’s at Salmon Bay and the Highliner Public House. Visit: https://fgmdeli.com/

Nordhavn, Freedom Yacht Wins! Seattle Easter Boat Parade, South Lake Union to Ballard Locks, Ends at Fishermen’s Terminal, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing PNW
All registered boats, who have signed up for the Seattle Easter Boat Parade that planned on being in the Saturday, April 3, 2021 Easter Parade – Agreed to participate in the – “Passport Challenge” Presented by Salty Dog Boating – Supporting Local Businesses at Fishermen’s Terminal! As price of admittance Boat Owners/Captains – agreed to spend a minimum of $25. At – ‘One’ of the # 8 businesses at Fishermen’s Terminal. Support Local – we are happy to help encourage business owners and staff who are hit extremely hard in these unprecedented pandemic times! https://seattleeasterboatparade.com/passport-challenge/

Seattle Easter Boat Parade, South Lake Union to Ballard Locks, Ends at Fishermen’s Terminal, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing PNW, Goose on Deck!
Fishermen’s Green Market Deli Sandwiches will blow your socks off they are so good! If you haven’t had one of their warm deli custom sandwiches by now – you must try one soon – you’ll be hooked, they’re amazing! https://fgmdeli.com/
Save the dates!
Seattle Christmas Boat Parade:
Seattle Easter Boat Parade:
Thank you to all of our amazing Seattle Easter Boat Parade, Sponsors, Participants, Captains, Lead Boat – JoAhna K. – Parade Judges, Morrison’s Fuel Dock and Team Leaders. Seattle seasoned and green boaters are known for unity, community, teamwork, support, creativity and grit. If we waited good weather in the PNW we’d never toss lines or leave the dock – make plans, stick to those dates, fire up the mains and go cruising. Northwest Salty Dog boaters – getter-done, have fun on the water, breath in that fresh clean air, live your boating dream! Do It!