F/T Constellation made her back from the shipyard with an assist by Fremont Tug Boats, the fleet of three from O’Hara Corporation gear up working hard over at Fishermen’s Terminal getting the boats ready for their next Alaska fishing season. Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source with the season fishing pulse.
F/T Constellation of O’Hara Corporation fleet, she made her back from the shipyard with an assist by Fremont Tug Boats, the fleet of three from O’Hara Corporation gear up working hard over at Fishermen’s Terminal getting the boats ready for their next Alaska fishing season. The winter holiday season in Seattle is homeport to many Alaska fisheries factory trawlers; they are sprinkled throughout the Pacific Northwest and the WA Ship Canal on their off season into the New Year.
O’Hara Corporation in Seattle is Ballard based; the company is family owned and operated by seasoned historic fishing trend setters and capabilities who have stood the test of time. F/T Constellation is 160 ft, she was built as a mud boat in Louisiana in 1981. O’Hara Corporation purchased and did a major refit on the Constellation in 1987, she was then made to catch, process, and freeze underutilized species in the Gulf of Maine.

O’Hara Corporation Fleet, F/T Constellation, F/T Defender, F/T Enterprise, Winter Season in Seattle Fishermen’s Terminal, Gearing Up For Next Fishing Season, Rogue Silver Bay Seafoods, Trident Seafoods Tenders, Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source PNW
Two years later after fishing on the east coast on the Grand Banks, O’Hara took her out west to Seattle in 1989. Seattle became her home port from where she would travel to the Bering Sea to fish for groundfish. Most of the processing equipment was in place, more crew bunks were added, fish hold cargo space increased and proper modifications in the factory were made for increased production and freezing capacity. The O’Hara family has been in the marine industry for over a century, every boat they bring into this well oiled machine of their fleet is carefully calculated for the best product results.

O’Hara Corporation Fleet, F/T Constellation, getting an assist by Fremont Tugboats, back over to Fishermen’s Terminal after shipyard work, Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source with the season fishing pulse NW
F/T Defender usually hits the Ballard Locks in the evening, with crew on the bow happy to be home or nearly on their way home; they next make their way eastbound down the WA Ship Canal to dock over at their lower 48 homeport over at Fishermen’s Terminal. Defender will soon be surrounded by more sister ships of the O’Hara fleet.

F/T Defender is 120 ft. she’s the last of three O’Hara boats built at Goudy & Stevens, In Seattle if you see F/V Defender you’re bound to see F/T Enterprise off her bow. Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source with the season fishing pulse PNW
F/T Defender is 120 ft. she’s the last of three O’Hara boats built at Goudy & Stevens. The Defender was custom built for groundfish and redfish on the coast of Maine. In 1992 she did the trek through the Panama Canal on her up the west coast on her way to Alaska. She was changed into a factory processor in Portland, Oregon, at Nichols Brothers Shipyard in 1998 where she was widened by 10’, like her sister ship the Enterprise. In Seattle if you see F/V Defender you’re bound to see F/T Enterprise off her bow.

F/T Defender, Ohara Fleet, as soon as they dock at Fishermen’s Terminal after Fishing in Alaska it;s NETS Off Time! Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source
O’Hara Corporation F/T Enterprise was also built at Goudy & Stevens in East Boothbay, Maine. The Enterprise is also 120 ft. custom built for groundfish out of Rockland, ME. She was converted into a factory processor at Eastern Shipbuilding in Panama City, Florida in 1996. The boat was widened by twelve feet, lengthened, and had additional crew bunks and a fish processing factory added. She then steamed through the Panama Canal and up to Alaska, where she currently fishes in the Bering Sea, Alaska. The distinct paint and colors of O’Hara’s fleet make them easy to spot with the naked eye many miles away.

F/T Enterprise, O’Hara Fleet, 120 ft. custom built, over at Fishermen’s Terminal PNW WA Ship Canal Winter Freezing, Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source with the season fishing pulse.
O’Hara newest vessel to their growing fleet was in 2017 when they purchased FCA quotas and vessel. O’Hara Corporation purchased over half the quota shares and also the catcher processor vessel Alaska Spirit from the Fishing Company of Alaska (FCA). Ocean Peace Inc. of Seattle will purchase the remaining shares along with the catcher processor vessels Alaska Warrior and Alaska Victory.
Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source with the season fishing pulse. Inquiry to: [email protected], Eat Fresh – Buy Wild!

F/T Enterprise, F/T Defender, Ohara Fleet, Sister Ships Fishermen’s Terminal PNW Ship Canal west of Ballard Bridge, Winter in the lower 48 for New Years! Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source
For over 100 years, O’Hara Corporation has stood test of time and unforgiving seasons operating fishing vessels. O’Hara Corporation surrounds has catcher processor vessels fishing in the Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and Gulf of Alaska. Their vessels catch flounders, Atka mackerel, Pacific Ocean perch, cod, pollock,and more. The current home port is Seattle, Washington, the Araho 194 ft. Alaska Spirit 204 ft. Constellation 165 ft. Defender 120 ft. and her sister ship Enterprise 120 ft. catch, process, and freeze their catch at sea. Their flagship vessel, Araho, is the newest mega addition to the Alaska groundfish fleet. Our five fishing vessels operate in one of the most sustainable fishing industries in the world. O’Hara Corporation will continue to strive for the best quality groundfish product to serve their worldwide customers. Eat Fresh – Buy Wild, God Bless our PNW to AK Commercial fishing industry at land and at sea.

O’Hara Corporation Fleet, F/T Defender, F/T Enterprise, Ohara Fleet Fishermen’s Terminal Seattle, WA Ship Canal, Winter Lots of Boat jobs and work to get done, Commercial Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway Source with the season fishing pulse PNW