Salty Dog Boating News, Ship Canal Photo Competition, PNW & AK Commercial Fishermen, Photography by, Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, Draggers, at Fishermen’s Terminal Fall PNW
Salty Dog Boating News Presents our annual fall and winter commercial fishing vessel, “Ship Canal Photo Competition.” As fishing boats run up and down hill from Alaska to the greater Pacific Northwest the WA ship canal is constantly salt and peppered with crabbers, draggers, trawlers, processors, gillnetters, seiners and work boats.
Salty Dog Boating News, Ship Canal Photo Competition, PNW & AK Commercial Fishermen, Photography by, Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, Draggers, at Fishermen’s Terminal, F/V Sabrina, Seiner Fall Pulling In Homecoming!!!
Fishermen and Fisherwomen, those of you who work in PNW and AK commercial fishing industry we look forward to getting your ship canal photo entries. Fishermen as you already know: – The greater Seattle region and the WA Ship Canal to Lake Union is a fishermen’s paradise for down time between fishing seasons for vessel repairs, a wide range of services such as, getting and installing new gear, engine room system updates and refits, new hydraulics, deck gear, supplies and provisions. Lots of touch and go vessels buzzing around the canal year round underway, we love our busy active PNW marine traffic! The greater Pacific Northwest is home to some of the worlds best commercial fishing vessel craftsmen and servicing experts that are extra salty in their specific vessel trade.
Salty Dog Boating News, Ship Canal Photo Competition, PNW & AK Commercial Fishermen, Photography by, Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, Draggers, at Fishermen’s Terminal Fall PNW, F/V Adventure, AK Bering Sea Crabber, to Ballard Locks for a drop to run up hill to AK for Fall Crabbing
Enter Our Fall & Winter Salty Dog Boating News: Ship Canal Photo Competition – Email Us: You’re Fishing Vessel Photo By: 12.1.17
Win Over $500. In Prizes: Gear, Outerwear & Local PNW Dining Out Restaurant Gift Certificates
- Qualified Photo Entries Must Include: Fishermen/Fisherwomen, Active Local Working In PNW & AK Commercial Fishing Industry
- Photo Images, No Less Than 1920 x 1080 Pixels, large images…
Email Photo Entries To: [email protected]
Salty Dog Boating News, Ship Canal Photo Competition, PNW & AK Commercial Fishermen, Photography by, Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, Draggers, Departed Fishermen’s Terminal Fall PNWF/V Centaur, Gillnetter Eastbound toward Trident Seafoods Old Yard PNW
Happy Holidays, On Land & At Sea!
F/V Brenna A. Captain Sean Dwyer, Deadliest Catch Season 14, up next – Brenna A. homeport in the lower 48 is Fishermen’s Terminal, touch and goes and shipyard going dry haul outs – in the ship canal. God bless our fishermen and their families!
Salty Dog Boating News, Ship Canal Photo Competition, PNW & AK Commercial Fishermen, Photography by, Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, at Fishermen’s Terminal Fall PNW, F/V Brenna A. Zack Larsen Engineer and Crew, Pulling into Fishermen’s Terminal, Deadliest Catch Season 14 up next PNW to AK Bering Sea Crabbers, Go Captain Sean!
Eat Fresh – Buy Wild! PNW to AK Salty Dog Best Boat Spotting!