Arctic Explorer, B&N Fisheries, Ballard Locks Lift to The Ship Canal, Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway PNW & AK Source
Arctic Explorer, B&N Fisheries, getting an assist by Western Towboat tugboat in mid-August; summer is starting to close out and the start of some Alaskan fishing vessels, factory trawlers, seiners, gillnetters, tenders, crabbers and research vessels are starting to trickle in and waking up to shuffle around the great Pacific Northwest and WA Ship Canal.
B&N Fisheries, is based out of Seattle in the heart of Ballard WA, they own and operate commercial fishing vessels as well as trawlers that focus on processing for specific fisheries as well as partnering and participating as a vessel for charter for specific fisheries, vessel testing and research at sea.

Arctic Explorer, B&N Fisheries, Ballard Locks Lift in Ship Canal Swinging the Gates Open, Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, The Marine Traffic Underway PNW & AK Source, GOD BLESS OUR FISHERIES PNW TO AK!
B&N Fisheries has a fleet of fishing vessels that focus on fisheries research work on charter to NOAA and NIOSH. Vessel Facts & Stats: Arctic Explorer was built in 1988, LOA 47.24m, Gross Tonnage 892 metric tons, Net Tonnage 267 metric tons, Capacity 339.8 cubic meters.
It’s no real surprise that B&N Fisheries is connected to Trident Seafoods this connection by way of the Bundrant family. President of B&N Fisheries is Joseph Bundrant, son of the Ballard local legend Trident Seafoods head cheese and founder Chuck Bundrant.

Arctic Explorer, B&N Fisheries, Ballard Locks Lift Swinging Canal Gates Open, Western Towboat Tugboat Assists, Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Underway Source
B&N Fisheries Company is a privately owned company headquartered in Seattle Washington. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – NIOSH has in the past partnered with vessels from B&N Fisheries. In addition to their vessels being for charter with NOAA they also partner in ongoing research and testing with NIOSH. In this particular project with NIOSH they participated on – sea-test prototype ‘slack tank monitors’ installed on their fishing vessel trawler F/V Epic Explorer. The traditional method of monitoring of vessel slack levels has been the use of a variety of float-switches stacked at various heights within the tank.
Testing of slack tank monitors as the tank fills or drains – they corresponded mechanical float-switch opens and or closes an electrical connection indicating the content level. The problem addressed by NIOSH engineers, is that these mechanical float switches can become easily fouled and stick in either a closed or opened position. In the past the ‘fouling’ of moving parts becomes a – safety issue when erroneous “full” and – or “empty” tank levels are reported when there is actually a slack-tank condition. The install of the NIOSH prototype system was finished back in January 2011. Testing and refinements of this monitor will continue to be made throughout the ongoing fishing seasons as this will always be a concern and emphasis for men and women fishing at sea. B&N has been vital in at sea research with NOAA and NIOSH Programs.

Arctic Explorer, B&N Fisheries, Ballard Locks to Ship Canal Fresh Water, Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Underway Source
Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing www.saltydogmaritimemarekting.com The Marine Traffic Underway Source Pacific Northwest to Alaska UP and DOWN hill commercial, workboat and research vessel traffic with the Ship Canal Pulse! Inquiry to: [email protected] – God bless our fishermen & fisherwomen and their families at land and at sea underway in all snotty seasons by Mother Nature.
Trident Seafoods: ‘A Nugget of their Claim to Fame’ – Trident Seafoods has been around for over 40 years, their fleet of vessels and fishermen have saltwater running their vanes, with lots of blood, sweat and tears at sea and back at land on standby to stand by as the sea calls them back season after season. Trident Seafoods works had to have the best seafood available thanks to the fact that they control every part of the process from A to Z – from the fishing standards to the processing from the second that seafood leaves the icy waters in Alaska to the moment its prepared for a fresh seafood meal. God Bless our Fisheries and their families at land and sea!

Arctic Explorer, B&N Fisheries, Getting a Western Towboat Tugboat Assist, Ballard Locks Lift to Fresh Water Ship Canal Summer Afternoon Canal Action Underway, Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Source PNW