Traveler, Norseman II, Fishermen’s Terminal, NW Dock, Winter Work on Boat Underway, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, AK to PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, Canal Go To Salty Dog PNW
Fishermen’s Terminal in the Seattle Ship Canal is home one of the PNW large seine fishing fleets that run between SE AK and Seattle, as well as draggers, trawlers, crabbers, gillnetters, processors, tenders, and workboats. In the summer months while most of the commercial fleet is up in Alaska for salmon fishing and tendering, the Port of Seattle at Fishermen’s Terminal does allow superyachts, power and sail pleasure boats to dock. Without a doubt the Port has done an outstanding job at always keeping ‘Fishermen 1st’ at Fishermen’s Terminal. This their commercial homeport in the lower 48, in the Pacific Northwest.

R&R, Seiner, Fishermen’s Terminal, Lake Bay Busy SE AK & PNW Seine Boat, Near Ballard Bridge, Ship Canal Pacific Northwest Large Commercial Fishing Fleets
Seine boats at Fishermen’s Terminal after summer salmon season and after fall fishing tend to simmer down come our NW cold winter season. Of course seiners are always on a boat project year round but during our holiday winter season the dock at Fishermen’s Terminal thin out just a bit. Not long after the start of the new year and of course by early spring the docks will literally be jumping again with boat owners, deckhands and net sewing; project strung out up and down every which way, the active buz getting fishermen pumped up for the next season.

Diligence, Silver Bay Seafoods Tender, American Patriot, Fishermen’s Terminal, Winter in the PNW, Ship Canal Marine Traffic Coming & Going… Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, AK to PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source
Fishermen’s Terminal is located next to the Ballard Bridge in the Seattle Ship Canal just east of the Ballard Locks. The PNW busy ship canal is non-stop year round marine traffic underway. Their always something magical and spiritual about seeing these fishing boats coming and going from fishing season to season. Excitement coming or going by boats in the ship canal, its called – ‘Going Fishing’ not ‘Going Catching’ some come home broken hearted from the lack of fish and or bad weather of the season they just left in their wake, no matter what mother nature is in charge. Mother nature always has hopeful dreams on the next season around the corner.

Ultimo SE AK Seiner & Jennifer A. Sister Boat to Brenna A. Deadliest Catch Boat, AK Bering Sea Crabber, Fishermen’s Terminal Winter Cold Holiday Season, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, AK to PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source
Fishermen’s Terminal has also been home to Deadliest Catch AK Bering Sea Crab Boats and or these TV Show Crabber who do touch and goes, grabbing pots. For those of us local in Ballard and the PNW we don’t really understand the Deadliest Catch hype; especially since most of us have been up fishing in AK waters and know these AK Crabber are huge ‘As…Wh…es’ in short; fishing is fishing, no pain no gain, Deadliest Catch Fans we are glad you enjoy the show!

Kirsten Marie off the Stern of American Beauty, Tenders at Fishermen’s Terminal in the Winter, PNW Ship Canal West of Ballard Bridge, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, AK to PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source, God Bless our Fishermen & Fisherwomen!
Fishermen’s Terminal, Bless our Fishermen & Their Families!