Alaska Commercial Fishing Boats & Work Boats

Salty Dog Boating News & Salty Dog Maritime Marketing Photography of: Commercial Fishing Boats, Deadliest Catch AK Bering Sea Crabbers, Tugboats, Workboats & Research Vessels, Marine Traffic Underway Running Up & Down Hill from the Pacific Northwest to Alaska! Photography Focus Of: Marine Traffic Underway PNW to AK Up & Down-Hill, Salty Sea Chick Source. God Bless Our Pacific Northwest and Alaska, Bristol Bay, Bering Sea and SE, AK Commercial Fishing Industry! If you would like some help fishing then you may want to check out a fish finder, you can learn more about it by visiting sites such as Outdoor Empire.

AK to PNW: Homecomings – Hot & Sunny NW

F/V Pacific Rose, One of the 1st – Aug. AK Seiners to hit the Ship Canal! Welcome Home!!!

Late Summer

Early Summer

Commercial Fishing Boats, Spring

F/V Pacific Sounder, F/V Nordic Star, Ballard Oil, Commercial Fishing Fuel Time, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing PNW Marine Traffic Underway Source NW to AK

PNW & AK Commercial Fishing Boats, Ship Canal, Late April

Commercial Fishing Spring Drydock & Shipyard Work Underway

Commercial Fishing & Deadliest Catch Boats – Spring, After Easter

F/V Golden Dawn, Trident Seafoods Old Yard, Western Towboats Assist to Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, A break in PNW Rain, Photography by: Salty Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Chick, PNW to AK Commercial Marine Traffic Pulse, Salty Dog Lab Lookout

Commercial Fishing Boats – MID – Spring, April 

F/V Beauty Bay, Tatoosh Seafoods, Seafood Partners, Seafood Watch, Ocean Wise, NOAA Fisheries, Aquaculture Stewardship Council, Food Alliance Certification, F/V Beauty Bay Ship Canal Westbound heading back over to Fishermen’s Terminal, Spring AK Bering Sea Boat, Photography by: Salty Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Chick, PNW to AK Commercial Marine Traffic Pulse With The Source

AK Commercial Fishing Boats, Tons of Spring Rain PNW Canal!

F/V American Beauty, F/V Margaret Lyn, Fishermen’s Terminal Ship Canal Raining Cats & Dogs Spring Rain, Photography by: Salty Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Chick, PNW to AK Commercial Marine Traffic Pulse With The Source

Commercial Fishing Boats EARLY – Spring, April

F/V Ocean Leader, On the ways, F/V Northwestern, AK Bering Sea Crabber, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Spring NW Shipyard Work, Photography by: Salty Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Chick, PNW to AK Commercial Fishing Marine Traffic Source

F/V Amatuli, Scandies Rose, AK Crabbers, Ocean Beauty Facedock, Photography by: Salty Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Chick, PNW to AK Commercial Fishing Marine Traffic Source

Fred Wahl Marine Construction, NW SPRING, F/V Robert Magnus, Fishermen’s Terminal, Ship Canal, west wall loading gear getting ready to jog westbound to Ballard Locks, Spring in the PNW, Salty Dog Lab Lookout, A tiny break in all this darn rain… Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Gal, Salty Dog Marine Traffic Source PNW to AK

Spring, Pacific Northwest

F/V Saga, Deadliest Catch AK Bering Sea Crabber, Welcome Home, Salty Dog Lab Look Dockside Sunrise, Photography, by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Salty Sea Gal, Salty Dog Marine Traffic Source PNW to AK


F/V Arctic Sea, Coastal Villages AK Crabber, Ship Canal Western Towboat, Tug Boats Assist, Foss Maritime Drydock, Tucked in & lifting her dry… Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Source PNW! Welcome Home AK Bering Sea Crabbers!!!

Wizard, Deadliest Catch, Alaska Bering Sea Crabber, Mid. Feb. 2017 – Made is home safe after an extra snotty crab season. The F/V Wizard got a top or the morning Ballard Locks lift into the ship canal. Many other AK Crabbers are salt & peppered in the Ship Canal just getting to their homeports to put the boats to bed and jump on land in the lower 48. Welcome Home AK Crabbers!

At Fishermen’s Terminal, O’Hara Corporation, F/T Araho 194? catcher processor after her 1st winter in the Bering Sea Alaska, she lands in the lower 48, ship canal splashed out East at Eastern Shipbuilding of Panama City, Florida, then a jog through the Panama Canal, uphill to AK now finished a downhill run, skiff man working the boom in the ship canal! Welcome Araho – backwards for O’Hara! Mid. Feb. 2017 Welcome to the PNW!

F/V Destination, Bering Sea AK Search Was Underway for Captain & Crew, ‘Feb. 2017’ – USCG Calls off Search Feb. 13th, after searching for F/V Destination. She spent this past spring and most of May in the Seattle Ship Canal stern in over at Trident Old Yard just west of Western Towboat Company and just east of a few Silver Bay Seafoods per usual Salmon Tenders. Per spring early summer ship canal PNW usual, lots of marine traffic underway. God bless our fishermen and their families at sea and on land. R.I.P Fishermen & Our At Sea Brothers on F/V Destination! – Our Salty Dog Boating News & Salty Dog Maritime Marketing Photography Tribute of – F/V Destination – in the Lower 48 Seattle Ship Canal. Lots more photo’s where these came from: Inquiry to: [email protected]

F/V Destination, AK Bering Sea Crabber USCG Feb. Search & Rescue Underway, Back in Late Spring Our PNW Ship Canal at Sunset, R.I.P. Destination, God Bless Our Fishermen & Their Families! Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Source , Salty Sea Chick, PNW to AK

F/V Pinnacle, F/V Bulldog, F/V Scandies Rose, Early Feb.


PNW SNOWING HARD – PNW, AK Commercial Fishing Boats Feb.

F/V Reliance, PNW SNOW DAY, Just on the other side of the Ballard Locks, Magnolia side of Ship Canal, Across from Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Snowing Freaking Hard, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Source PNW to AK, God Bless Our Fishermen & Their Families!!!

February, Commercial Fishing Vessels Underway, Winter Burrrr….

F/V Aldebaran, Trident Trawl Catcher, Departing Trident Old Yard, West Bound to Run uphill to Alaska Fine Sunny Cold Winter PNW Ship Canal, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Source PNW to AK

January, Commercial Marine Traffic Underway!

Trident Seafoods Commercial Fishing Boats, Lots of Marine Traffic Underway Running uphill to Bering Sea, Alaska in the heart of winter. God bless our Fishermen and Fisherwomen, who fish in the winter. Go big or go home!

Deadliest Catch Boats, Ship Canal Marine Traffic, Salty Dog Lab Lookout!

F/V Brenna A, Deadliest Catch AK Bering Sea Crabber, Sister Boat F/V Jennifer A. Our Salty Dog Lab Lookout Commercial Fishing PNW Source, Must Love Dogs! Trident Tender, F/V Husky, Salmon Tenders at Fishermen’s Terminal, F/V Labrador, O’Hara Seafoods, Factory Trawlers Running up to Alaska, God Bless our Fishermen, Fisherwomen & Their Families!

January, PNW Ship Canal Highway, Winter Marine Traffic Heading Back up to AK

F/T Legacy, United States Seafoods, Bering Sea AK & North Pacific Ocean, Stewardship Vessel, East Bound Underway Ship Canal Heading To Seattle Fresh Water Homeport, Legacy with a Fremont Tugboat Canal Assist, Mid Jan. Winter Afternoon, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, Marine Traffic AK & PNW Underway Source

F/V SeaDawn, Newport OR, Coming & Going, New Year, Jan. Fishermen’s Terminal Busy Commercial Marine Traffic Underway! Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Marine Traffic Underway PNW, Salty Sea Chick Source, Icy Winter

Happy New Year 2018!

Brittany, Trident Seafoods Tender, 110 ft. Salty Dog Lab Lookout giving a bark and wave to Chester at the Wheel from Fishermen’s Terminal, A stand by Ballard Bridge Lift and back to Trident Old Yard Winter New Year Jan. Top of the Morning!Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Dog Maritime Marketing, Marine Traffic Underway PNW, Salty Sea Chick Source, God Bless our Fisheries & Fishermen/Fisherwomen!

God Bless Our Commercial Fisheries, Workboats & Research Vessels

Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, F/V Sea Storm, 2017 A New Year is Here, Guys are working late after dark, freezing cold and snow is coming to PNW! Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Marine Traffic Underway PNW to AK, Salty Sea Chick Source

M/V Blue Fin, 165 ft. NOAA, Tsunami, Hurricane, and Weather Buoy Boat, Ballard Bridge Lift Ship Canal, Heading to Northlake Shipyard, Lake Union, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Marine Traffic Pulse PNW to AK

Commercial Fishing Boats & Work Boats Dec, 2017 – Winter Shipyard Work PNW

Seine Fishing Boats in the Ship Canal, coming and going from Fishermen’s Terminal, back from summer SE AK Salmon Season, just finished PNW Fall Fishing, winter at the docks and getting work done on the boat! God Bless our fishermen/fisherwomen & their families!

Wonderland, SE AK Seiner, Departing Fishermen's Terminal, to a Ballard Locks Drop, PWN Fall Fishing, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, PNW Canal Marine Traffic Source!

Wonderland, SE AK Seiner, Departing Fishermen’s Terminal, to a Ballard Locks Drop, PWN Fall Fishing, Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, PNW Canal Marine Traffic Source!

R&R, NW Seiner, Departing Fishermen's Terminal, Ship Canal, It’s Fall Raining Like Crazy… Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, PNW Canal Marine Traffic Source!

R&R, NW Seiner, Departing Fishermen’s Terminal, Ship Canal, It’s Fall Raining Like Crazy… Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, PNW Canal Marine Traffic Source!

Kona Rose, SE AK Seine Fishing Boat, back in the PNW Ship Canal after Summer Salmon Season, Departing Fishermen's Terminal Passing from Bristol Bay Salmon Tenders! Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, PNW Canal Marine Traffic Source!

Kona Rose, SE AK Seine Fishing Boat, back in the PNW Ship Canal after Summer Salmon Season, Departing Fishermen’s Terminal Passing from Bristol Bay Salmon Tenders! Photography by: Salty Dog Boating News, Salty Sea Chick, PNW Canal Marine Traffic Source!!!

Alaska Commercial Fishing Vessels in the lower 48. Salty Dog Boat Spotting! Salty Dog Black Lab Mascot dockside look out! Salty Dog Marine Traffic Underway Pulse…

Summer in the PNW, AK Salmon Fishing & Tender Season Underway…. most getting ready to run uphill for Alaska Salmon Season!


Lots of Shipyard Work Underway in the PNW!

Alaska Salmon Tenders Gearing Up For Summer

Early Spring – Marine Commercial Traffic Underway

Fall & Winter Commercial Marine Traffic

Photography By: Salty Dog Boating News, Naknek Sea Gal, If you have been to south side you have seen my paintings & murals all over the village as you crawl your way up to the PIT, South Naknek hot spot, of course since it’s the only bar! Inquiries: [email protected]

F/V American Eagle, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, home of many Alaska commercial fishing fleets!

F/V American Eagle, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, home of many Alaska commercial fishing fleets!

F/V Kevleen K. going over to load AK Fishing crab pots at Fishermen's Terminal

F/V Kevleen K. going over to load AK Fishing crab pots at Fishermen’s Terminal

F/V ROLLO, AK Bering Sea Crabber, Passing SEA-MAR, heading into FIshermen's Terminal Seattle, Just got home from AK Summer Salmon Tendering!

F/V ROLLO, AK Bering Sea Crabber, Passing SEA-MAR, heading into FIshermen’s Terminal Seattle, Just got home from AK Summer Salmon Tendering!

Salty Dog Maritime Marketing & Salty Dog Boating News - PNW & AK best Commercial Vessel Boat Spotting

Salty Dog Maritime Marketing & Salty Dog Boating News – PNW, AK Best Commercial Vessel Boat Spotting – Welcome Home Fishermen & AK Tenders to the Lower 48 after Salmon Season!

Aquila, Seattle Ship Canal Docking at Fishermen's Terminal, she's loaded & back again!

Aquila, Seattle Ship Canal Docking at Fishermen’s Terminal, she’s loaded & back again!

Salty Dog Boating News, Commercial Fishing Boat Spotting Photo’s By: Naknek Sea Gal! Bristol Bay AK, is the largest salmon fishery in the world! AK Salmon Season 2015 is underway. Seiners, Gillnetters, Processors and Tenders – a lot of tenders are AK Bering Sea Crabbers who need to put the boat to work in the summer season – most have either already run up hill to AK or are leaving the lower 48 heading North bound in the next few days. Summer Salmon Season in AK is one of the funnest places to work your tail off & make a chunk of change – make sure you on the right boat with the right captain & crew! May all fishermen & crew – be safe & watch your fingers, heads up! Sink those nets!

F/V Sea Bird, Sunrise Fishermen's Terminal, Seattle Ship Canal, Welcome To Your Home Port in the Lower 48!

F/V Sea Bird, Sunrise Fishermen’s Terminal, Seattle Ship Canal, Welcome To Your Home Port in the Lower 48!