seoLeading Website Developers of 2015! Web Design, website development, video production and re-branding are the top areas of focus with Salty Dog Web Design. This creative, innovative and sophisticated team of website developers understands the value of online marketing. They specialize in a broad range of creative and technical opportunities that build your business by generating results. Our skilled designers and programmers are experts at transforming, revamping while custom designing websites. An important part of this stage of redesigning a website is ensuring an extensive website audit has been conducted. Going to HTTPS://WWW.WHITEHAT-SEO.CO.UK/WEBSITE-AUDIT will teach you more about this topic.

Websites, revamping websites, outdated computers, cloud conversation, google apps and the world-wide web may still seem complicated to some old school folks, especially in the maritime industry. Let us help you bring positive results to your businss in 2015, for more details visit: We look forward to hearing from you today!


Brought to you by: Salty Dog Web Design!

Salty Dog Web Design is the expert as bringing outdated, dinosaur maritime websites back to life. Our clients are nation and world-wide with a huge emphasis in Florida, New England, the Pacific Northwest and Alaska! In Seattle WA for example, Seattle has some of the largest commercial seafood companies in north america. Yet these successful companies with hundreds of employees, state fo the art canneries and hundreds of fishing vessels in their fleet have websites that are 10 plus years old. Their email systems and I.T. solutions are for the most part completely out dated.

FACT: 89% of consumers and consumers expect all businesses to have an up to date website, regardless of the size of the company. What happens if you don’t have one? Simple – customers turn to a competitor and you lose out on their business.

10. No time for louging around this 2014 winter season, is it time for your website upgrade or revamp or SEO results

Having an updated website for your business is crucial in this day and age. We know it can be daunting to try to figure out what to do, but we’re here to help! Salty Dog Web Design – is made up a very tech savvy team as well as being from the Alaska commercial fishing background, with salty sea legs that stretch from 59 ft. Selene’s to 164 ft. Westport. The maritime industry is a ‘different bread’ of colorful characters. Our Salty Dog Website team is great a reading between the lines and identifying what is best for their marine website client. Its also good to consider a web host like those at so they can help manage the way your website works, and make sure it has speed optimisation as well as a reliable back up system and server so no data is lost. There are many things to think about when creating a website and how it will be managed.

Is astonishing but true how ‘hands off’ maritime business are when building there 1st time website of revamping their existing ‘old school website.’ Salty Dog Web Design – thrives and strives at ‘hand off’ clients who release all creative control.

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SEO – Design – Branding – Strategy – Website Results

Website Training is a must in this day and age. Of course everyone wants to be able to edit and update their own website. This is essential for keeping up with seasons, market trends, specials and over all communication with clients. Salty Dog Web Design is best known for their ‘training of websites’ – a 4th grader could learn how to edit and update such new websites. Its essential and encouraged for all website clients to make specific updates to their new website.

The world-wide web is ‘active, breathing, evolving and growing’ by the second. It’s essential for business to make weekly to monthly updates to their website, be that via a web design melbourne company or other means. Adding key words, updating the gallery, adding new titles are examples for fast easy ways to get your site noticed by: Google, Yahoo, Bing… etc…. SEO is a great investment for any business with an online presence. Some SEO agencies outsource their workload in order to meet demands using seo reseller programs.

Your Maritime Website Experts of 2015!


Salty Dog Web Design is standing by to build your new website! or [email protected]


May you make the most of your website presence and world-wide web opportunities!