Commercial Fishing

F/V Farwest Leader, Former Deadliest Catch Boat, Western Tow Boat Company Seattle Giving they a side tie ride!

F/V Farwest Leader, Former Deadliest Catch Boat, Western Tow Boat Company Seattle Giving they a side tie ride!

Alaska Commercial Fishing Boats, Seattle Spring Time Marine Traffic!

Alaska Commercial Fishing Boats

F/V Ocean Explorer, Alaska Bering Sea & Aleutian Islands, Trawler Catch Processor, Sitting in Ballard Ship Canal Welcome Home

F/V Ocean Explorer, Alaska Bering Sea & Aleutian Islands, Trawler Catch Processor, Sitting in Ballard Ship Canal Welcome Home

Almost Opening Day Boating Season in Seattle!

F/V Ultimo, Seiner SE AK Fishing Boat, Fishermen's Terminal Cruising by F/V Clipper Eric & F/V Mystery Bay - now for charter!

F/V Ultimo, Seiner SE AK Fishing Boat, Fishermen’s Terminal Cruising by F/V Clipper Eric & F/V Mystery Bay – now for charter!


F/V Farwest Leader, Ballard Bridge Seattle underway eastbound

F/V Farwest Leader, Ballard Bridge Seattle underway eastbound

Fishermen from Seattle to Alaska Happy Earth Day

Commercial Fishing Boats  PNW Seattle to AK

Crabbers, Draggers, Tenders, Seiners, Gillnetters, Processors

F/V Ocean Harvester & F/V Arctic Mariner, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard,  Seattle WA, The Heart of Alaska Fishermen in the NW

F/V Ocean Harvester & F/V Arctic Mariner, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Seattle WA, The Heart of Alaska Fishermen in the NW

Alaska Fishing Boats Marine Traffic – Lower 48 NW

Deadliest Catch, Season 11 Underway

F/V Northwestern, Deadliest Catch Season 11 &  F/V Camai, AK Coastal Villages at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard Seattle WA

F/V Northwestern, Deadliest Catch Season 11 & F/V Camai, AK Coastal Villages at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard Seattle WA

Spring Fishing Boat Activity

Alaska Fishing Boats in Seattle WA

Salty Dog Commercial Spotting – Marine Traffic

F/V Arcturus, Alaska Fishing for Pollock & Cod, Trident Seafoods, just got off the ways at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard Seattle WA

F/V Arcturus, Alaska Fishing for Pollock & Cod, Trident Seafoods, just got off the ways at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard Seattle WA

Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers, Deadliest Catch Boats, Draggers, Seiners, Gillnetters, AK Tenders & more…. Seattle Commercial Marine Traffic – Running up & down the coast from Seattle to Alaska!

F/V Pacific Capes, F/V Northwestern, Deadliest Catch Boat, at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Ballard WA in the Spring the Shipyard is Plum FULL - most are this time of year!  GO NW SPRING!

F/V Pacific Capes, F/V Northwestern, Deadliest Catch Boat, at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Ballard WA in the Spring the Shipyard is Plum FULL – most are this time of year! GO NW SPRING!

Commercial Fishing Boats – Spring in the PNW to AK


F/V Wizard, Deadliest Catch Boat, Bering Sea Crabber
On the Ways at Pacific Fishermen Shipyard – Summer in Ballard!

F/V Wizard, F/V Northwestern,  Deadliest Catch Boat, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Ballard WA

Herring Fishing AK Underway – Salmon AK Season June Rush! 


Herring & Salmon Fishing Season is nearly underway in the Pac. NW & ALASKA!

Deadliest Catch Season 10 Just Launched!

Deadliest Catch Boats, Salmon Fishing Alaska – Seiners, Gillnetters & Tenders

Bering Sea Crabbers, AK



 Gillnetters, Tenders, Crabbers, Processors, Tug & Barges – Deadliest Catch Boats – F/V Northwestern & F/V Wizard!