aifma_co-op-logo-pngAlaska Independent Fishermen’s Marketing Association

Alaska Independent Fishermen’s Marketing Association, AIFMA – is a member-funded association committed to the fishermen and the salmon resource of the Bristol Bay region. AIFMA’s mission is to protect the renewable salmon resource and promote economic sustainability for commercial salmon permit holders in Bristol Bay. They have been steadfast in its commitment to fishermen and the salmon resources of Bristol Bay. AIFMA is comprised of and funded by fishermen memberships. Bristol Bay fishermen have benefited from the hard work of AIFMA members who have served on the AIFMA board and its committees.

Alaska Independent Fishermen’s Marketing Association’s ongoing goals inglude the protection and promotion of the Bristol Bay salmon resource and fishermen’s livelihoods, Endeavors to protect the environment by opposing the proposed gold and copper Pebble Mine in the Bristol Bay watershed, and offshore oil and gas development in the Bristol Bay/Bering Sea region and offshore aquaculture in the United States. They also seek to protect the salmon resource by decreasing foreign and domestic interception fisheries. AIFMA represents fishermen’s interests in political and regulatory arenas such as Bristol Bay and Area M Board of Fisheries Hearings and in Washington DC, and supports efforts to improve salmon quality, diversify markets and increase fishermen’s ex-vessel prices. They also support funding of fisheries research, management and genetic stock ID work.